
Photo of Jim Garvey


Organizing Event Items

We atre just entering the Rock Event Fold and transitrionaing from Arena Event Tags. Everything we do at all of our 8 campuses is managed by event tags.

So when I look at the Rock systems and get to the EVENT ITEMS section, I see no defined or allowed method for organizing. Today, we use a Foldering system that is FIRST DEPARTMENT, then YEAR. Those folders are Tags used as folders. What are others doing to organize events so its not a huge unmanageable pile of items? For thos former arena customers, I'm fearful that this page (EVENT ITEMS) will become like the previous communications page in Arena. 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    What "event items" page are you referring to? If you mean Utility | Event Registration, you just create categories that make sense to organize your events. We have a sort of hybrid setup where the top level is the TYPE of event (eg classes) or a Ministry Area (eg youth)... which ever makes most sense for those particular events. Here's an example of our registration tree.

    Event Registration   Rock RMS.png

    We don't categorize by year because the list is event registration TEMPLATES, and the actual event INSTANCES (the dates an event happens) are displayed beneath each template when you look at it. If this is not what you're referring to and "EVENT ITEMS" means something else, please clarify exactly what/where you're seeing it.

  • Photo of Jim Garvey


    Thanks Jim. My confusion I guess then is the organization method of Rock. Your screenshot is of what I think of as the TEMPLATE area. The Template Instances that are reflected under it, do not contain the details of the actual event (the summary and description that are made available on the public site ) so that is where I was referring to the organization not existing. So help me get through that part of understanding the logic if you could? 

    • Jim Michael

      AH, ok. I don't deal with that part of Rock much myself, but the items that go on a calendar as you show just have to be "all there (unless you use different calendars for different things, but that's another can of worms). It hasn't been an issue for us (because it's a calendar, and we expect everything we do to be on the same calendar), but hopefully others will jump in with ideas... but I don't think there's any way to "organize" these in the way you want. What you're seeing here are in no way related to the Event Tags from your old system... the closest thing in Rock to THOSE are the check-in groups you'll use to check-into events.

  • Photo of Tiffany Bunney


    We organize event registration based on departments, and then add the individual registration templates underneath.  We create a calendar item and link it to the registration template.  The calendar item has all the details of the event, just like the event details in Arena.  We then create a website ad that has the URL to the details in the calendar item, so we can put ads on the website, and when someone clicks on that event, it will go to all the details of the calendar item, and then they can register from the calendar item.  

    The calendar and content items (website ads) are not organized by department, but you can find all the information when you go to the event registration.  It has the links to both the calendar and content, so you can jump to what you need.  Once you get event registration organized, it doesn't get too hard to find things.  

    If you have an event without a registration, I just create it as a calendar item, and link the website ad to it.  Calendar items are organized in alphabetical order, so it isn't too hard to make sure everything is there.