
Photo of Paul Tedder


PCO Sync not placing PCO-tagged people into their Rock Group

We actually have two different PCO accounts.  The first one we set up and things synced as expected and we have now added in a second account, but the sync is not functioning as expected. Everything else listed is in reference to the 2nd PCO account.

I have empty Rock groups, although the people who are supposed to be in those groups are showing up as connected under Installed Plugins>PCO.  You can even go to their record and it shows their PCO tags as selected, however they are not showing up in the group.

One thing I discovered in Troubleshooting was that I created a Rock Group for this PCO account with PCO admin permissions.  and added myself and another PCO admin into this group.  After the next sync, this admin was showing up in the groups he was supposed to be in in Rock (that corresponded to his tags in PCO)  That was strange.  

Yes, the group types are correct and the values under Installed Plugins>PCO are all set and correct.  The one thing that concerns me is that we have not gone into all the groups under group attribute values and not all of them are set to correspond with what is set under Installed Plugins>PCO>Values.  Even those that are set up are not pulling in any of the PCO people.

Any ideas?  I think we are on the latest version of the plugin, however I am not sure how to exactly check that.


  • Photo of Jim Michael


    To check that you're on the latest plugin, just go to the Rock shop and look at the PCO plugin page... if you're not on the latest version it will have an upgrade button. Since this is a third party plugin you might have better luck contacting the vendor (their contact info should be on the Rock shop page as well). Note being familiar with this plugin myself, my first question would be if it even support multiple PCO accounts, since all of your issues seem to be with the "second" account.