
Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


"Normal" user login gets "We can't let you view this page"

Additional users with Administrator role have no problems logging into Rock system (Rock Internal system).

 New users without Administrator role, after successful login hit the screen as shown below

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    The issue you are seeing is normal. The internal site is meant for staff workers not "normal" users. So the fact that they cannot see the internal site is correct. The external site is where your normal users will go to interact with Rock.  A normal setup will have the internal site be on "" and the external site "". You can also get to the external site by going to /page/1 at the same URL you are using now if you need to test to make sure that page is working.

    • Hock_Hin Lee

      Thanks Daniel. This is news to me!!! Is there anywhere I can get more details on what a normal user can do with respect to the Internal Site's data from the External Site? E.g., I found the "My Account" page on the External Site. Anything else?

    • Daniel Hazelbaker

      I don't think there is a single document that outlines everything that can be done on the external site. Much of the information is packed into the various books that talk about those areas of Rock (for example, the information about the Small Group locator and Small Group Leader Toolbox is in the "Rock Your Groups" manual). Your best bet would be to skim through the documentation books ( and keep an eye out of the areas you are interested in allowing users to work in and read those sections in more detail.

  • Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


    A bit of trouble-shooting found that the initial page after login only allows views for the following 3 roles

    How can I solve this problem?

    Or what did I "do wrong" / "not do" when I setup new "Normal" users? 

  • Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


    Adding a "All Users" Allow permission to this Page Security made things worse. The login screen is not available anymore. Instead, the Initial screen with No One login is shown. (See below)

  • Photo of Hock_Hin Lee


    My settings for a "Normal" user