
Photo of Brendan Yost


PCO Plugin Returning Errors

We purchased the PCO Sync plugin and had it operating successfully for several months.  Recently it has started timing out.  We receive the following error when we attempt to run the job:

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. (Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.)

The job consistently runs for 5 minutes and 7 seconds before timing out.  We have over 230 records syncing to Planning Center.  Have we exhausted this plugin's capabilities?

  • Photo of Jon Edmiston


    Have you upgraded to the latest version through the store? Recently PCO changed their API and broke the plugin. An update has been posted to fix this.

  • Photo of Brendan Yost


    I have. I am currently running Version 1.6.2.  I thought this might fix the problem...

    • Jon Edmiston

      We're about to add some features to the plugin in the next week. We'll look into this. I'll DM you for more details.

  • Photo of David Turner


    Brendon, can you try enabling the 'Allow Snapshot Isolation' and 'Is Read Committed Snapshot On' settings on your Rock database. Those settings are described in the documentation here: (search for 'Snapshot'). Once you've enabled those settings, try running the sync job again, and let us know if that makes a difference.


  • Photo of Brendan Yost


    I enabled both, and we are still experiencing the same problem. 
  • Photo of Brendan Yost


    We switched our database to a new server and ran into the same issues.  Because we were using Planning Center for our checkin system prior to Rock, we had over 10,000 records in Planning Center.  I contacted PCO and asked them to remove all of the profiles I inactivated leaving only 400 active profiles in the system.  The plugin is now working flawlessly...  

    If anyone else is running into this problem, or wants to use the PCO plugin - make sure you clean up your Planning Center records before using the plugin - especially if you were using PCO Checkin or PCO People as your CMS before switching to Rock.