
Photo of Darryl Williams


Setting up Groups and Check-In for Bible Study


Can anyone point me to an article, previously asked question/answer, or documentation reference that describes how to use groups for youth bible study classes?  I'm particularly interested in understanding how I would promote youth from one class to the next (e.g. 2nd grade to 3rd grade) at the end of the school year.  I understand that the "Grade" data field on the People record is automatically updated based on the graduation date, but I haven't found any means of handling the class/group movement that is typically done at the end of the year.

Any thoughts/best practices will be greatly appreciated!


Atwell Williams

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Are your Youth bible study groups based on grade, or are kids "assigned" to their groups? Out of the box Rock check-in for Kids and Youth is designed to be age/grade based, which means the people don't "exist" in those groups like they would in a normal group... they are only in the group for the schedule time (usually a service) for check-in/attendance purposes. In this (default) setup, kids don't need to be "promoted" from one group to the next because when their grade changes, they automatically start checking into the next higher group. That's why I asked if your groups are based solely on grade.

    If you want "real" groups that you manually place kids into (and out of) it's a much different setup, so perhaps describe exactly what you're trying to accomplish and we can then point you in the right direction.

  • Photo of Darryl Williams


    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for the explanation.  I think that will work for us.  Just two related questions. 

    1)  Using the age/grade based check-in, will we be able to group ages/grades?  We are a small church and typically only have a handful of kids so we group them (e.g. 1st - 3rd grade, 4th - 6th, Jr High and Sr High). 

    2)  Will we then be able to run attendance reports on our grouped classes?


    • Jim Michael

      Yes, you can do that (we do it here, too). What you'll set up is separate "groups" for the actual age/grades, but you can then have them both check-in to the same Location (room). This way you can run attendance on actual age/grade, but they check-in to the same room.

  • Photo of Darryl Williams


    Thanks Jim!!