
Photo of Casey Dierking


Can't figure out why Images are only showing up when logged in on groups listing page

Hey guys.

Been racking my brain on this one. We have our groups being listed with some custom lava on our page - It's been working great so far (or so I thought). The images only show up when I'm logged in and not showing up when I'm not. The lava is right, so it leads me to believe it's a security issue or a file storage issue. The security settings are set correctly though. 

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to fix this? Our groups are launching soon and I'm trying to get this thing fixed asap.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Where are the images coming from? Are they somehow attached to the group, or are they HTML blocks on the page, or something else? This has to be a rights issue but without knowing how your page is constructed it's difficult to say where.

    • Casey Dierking

      So the images are Group Attributes. They are the book covers that are tied to the group. The lava I'm using is

      {{ group | Attribute:'Artwork' }}

      which works great when logged in. Not so much when I'm not.

    • Casey Dierking

      To add more confusion to the mix, other group attributes show up like they should whether i am logged in or not. It only happens to the Images.

    • Casey Dierking

      Any other thoughts on this Jim? We're launching groups this weekend, and hoping to use our custom lava for how nice it looks.

    • Jim Michael

      Sorry, sure don't. I saw your convo about it in Slack and it looks people that know way more than me have had to try all sorts of permutations that didn't work. So it's either some rights missing on a weird entity or something, or a bug.

    • Casey Dierking

      Nick, this definitely solved this issue of not being able to see it when not logged in. However, It takes away my styling capabilities with lava. There isn't any way to pull out the specific attributes and wrap them in fancy css is there?

    • Nick Airdo

      It won't take away your styling capabilities -- you'll just need to adjust your lava to get the attribute you want so you can style it.