
Photo of Raul Torres


Managing grades for classes

Our church has classes for our members. How can we keep track of grades with Rockrms? There is a module available for that?

  • Photo of Austin Spooner


    Hi! Rock tracks grades on an individuals record right out of the box. If you open up any persons record you should be able to click Edit and set the grade. Let me know if you are looking for something else. 


  • Photo of Raul Torres


    Thanks for the answer but apparently I did not explain well.  Our church offers Bible classes to our members and we need to keep record of their grade or score.  Are there any module for this?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    You can create a person attribute (admin tools->general settings->person attributes) for each class which will store an integer or whatever you'd like. You can display the values by assigning them to one or more categories which show up on the "extended attributes" tab on their profile.

    See for more information or ask if something isn't clear =)