Photo of Austin Spooner



Is anyone else using Pledges in Rock yet? 

I am trying to generate a report of everyone who has pledged to a fund (with their pledge amount) as well as how much they have given towards that pledge. 

I started off using the Pledge Analytics block - but the date range filters currently are only used to search for pledges - not filter the total giving amount or total number of times given. 

The Pledge Analytics blocks columns for Total Giving Amount and Total Times Given are actually Total Giving Amount (Ever) and Total Times Given (Ever) to the Accounts that were selected. 

Unfortunately the Percent Complete column uses that information to calculate the individuals percent complete.

Where we ran into a problem is that the funds that we have a pledge to had giving in them before the pledges started - so we have to be able to limit it to a date range. 

Has anyone else made any reports that pledges that could be shared until this can be looked at in core? 



  • Photo of Danielle Johnson


     We are exploring Rock (moving over from Shelby v5), so I'd be interested in responses to Austin's questsions too.  Pledging is a big part of the culture in our church (annual budget, capital, and missions), so his questions are some of my top concerns as we consider a move.


    Danielle w/The Woodlands UMC 

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I believe the Pledge date range issue has been fixed here

  • Photo of Carolyn Walker


    If this is fixed then I must have some setting wrong. (We're on 8.0). I ran pledge analytics for 10/1/18 - 9/30/18 and results show this:

    John Doe    Pledge Total: $300 (which is monthly)

    Total Giving Amount: $10,085 (which is his total FOREVER giving, not just in the date range)

    Percent Complete: 3,362%

    Giving Count: 25

  • Photo of Carolyn Walker


    If this is fixed then I must have some setting wrong. (We're on 8.0). I ran pledge analytics for 10/1/18 - 9/30/18 and results show this:

    John Doe    Pledge Total: $300 (which is monthly)

    Total Giving Amount: $10,085 (which is his total FOREVER giving, not just in the date range)

    Percent Complete: 3,362%

    Giving Count: 25